Building Chirper with Laravel Breeze Intertia and Vue

Step 1: Installing Laravel and Breeze

  1. Install Laravel by running the following command in your terminal:
  2. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravelvue
  3. Create a blank repository in GitHub called “laravue” and push the code running the following command in your terminal:
          git init
          git branch -M main
          git remote add origin
          git add .
          git commit -m "first commit"
          git push -u origin main
  5. Install Laravel Breeze and Vue by running the following command in your terminal:
         composer require laravel/breeze --dev
         php artisan breeze:install vue
  7. Start the Laravel development server by running the following command:
  8. php artisan serve
  9. Start the Vite development server by running the following command:
  10. npm run dev
  11. Run the migration to create default tables from Laravel and Breeze tables in your database:
  12. php artisan migrate

Step 2: Creating Chirps

  1. create a model, migration, and resource controller for our Chirps with the following command:
  2. php artisan make:model -mrc Chirp

    This command will create three files for you:
    app/Models/Chirp.php – The Eloquent model.
    database/migrations/_create_chirps_table.php – The database migration that will create your database table.
    app/Http/Controllers/ChirpController.php – The HTTP controller that will take incoming requests and return responses.

  3. In routes/web.php create the following routes:
  4. <?php
    + use App\Http\Controllers\ChirpController;
      use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
      use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
      use Inertia\Inertia;
    Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
        return Inertia::render('Dashboard');
    })->middleware(['auth', 'verified'])->name('dashboard');
    Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
        Route::get('/profile', [ProfileController::class, 'edit'])->name('profile.edit');
        Route::patch('/profile', [ProfileController::class, 'update'])->name('profile.update');
        Route::delete('/profile', [ProfileController::class, 'destroy'])->name('profile.destroy');
    +   Route::resource('chirps', ChirpController::class)
    +   ->only(['index', 'store']);
    require __DIR__.'/auth.php';
  5. In app/Http/Controllers/ChirpController.php add the following codes to test it:
  6. <?php
    +use Illuminate\Http\Response; 
    class ChirpController extends Controller
         * Display a listing of the resource.
    -    public function index()
    +    public function index(): Response 
            return response('Hello, World!');
  7. Let’s update the index method of our ChirpController class app/Http/Controllers/ChirpController.php to render a front-end page component using Inertia.
  8. <?php
    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Models\Chirp;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Illuminate\Http\Response;
    use Inertia\Inertia;
    use Inertia\Response;
    class ChirpController extends Controller
         * Display a listing of the resource.
        public function index(): Response
            return 'Hello, World!';
            return Inertia::render('Chirps/Index', [
  9. create our front-end Chirps/Index page at resources/js/Pages/Chirps/Index.vue component with a form for creating new Chirps:
    import AuthenticatedLayout from '@/Layouts/AuthenticatedLayout.vue';
    import InputError from '@/Components/InputError.vue';
    import PrimaryButton from '@/Components/PrimaryButton.vue';
    import { useForm, Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
    const form = useForm({
        message: '',
        <Head title="Chirps" />
            <div class="max-w-2xl mx-auto p-4 sm:p-6 lg:p-8">
                <form @submit.prevent="''), { onSuccess: () => form.reset() })">
                        placeholder="What's on your mind?"
                        class="block w-full border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50 rounded-md shadow-sm"
                    <InputError :message="form.errors.message" class="mt-2" />
                    <PrimaryButton class="mt-4">Chirp</PrimaryButton>
  11. Add a link to the navigation menu provided by Breeze at resources/js/Layouts/AuthenticatedLayout.vue
    <div class="hidden space-x-8 sm:-my-px sm:ml-10 sm:flex">
        <NavLink :href="route('dashboard')" :active="route().current('dashboard')">
        <NavLink :href="route('chirps.index')" :active="route().current('chirps.index')">
  13. And also for mobile screens:
    <div class="pt-2 pb-3 space-y-1">
        <ResponsiveNavLink :href="route('dashboard')" :active="route().current('dashboard')">
        <ResponsiveNavLink :href="route('chirps.index')" :active="route().current('chirps.index')">
  15. Update the store method on our ChirpController class to validate the data and create a new Chirp:
    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Models\Chirp;
    use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Inertia\Inertia;
    use Inertia\Response;
    class ChirpController extends Controller
         * Store a newly created resource in storage.
        public function store(Request $request)
        public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
            $validated = $request->validate([
                'message' => 'required|string|max:255',
            return redirect(route('chirps.index'));
  17. We need to create this method on our User model to define a “has many” relationship:
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
    use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
    use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;
    class User extends Authenticatable
        public function chirps(): HasMany
            return $this->hasMany(Chirp::class);
  19. add the $fillable property to our Chirp model to enable mass-assignment for the message attribute:
    class Chirp extends Model
        protected $fillable = [
  21. add extra columns in our database to store the relationship between a Chirp and its User and the message itself.
    return new class extends Migration
         * Run the migrations.
        public function up(): void
            Schema::create('chirps', function (Blueprint $table) {
  23. We haven’t migrated the database since we added this migration, so let do it now:
    php artisan migrate

Step 3: Showing Chirps

  • Update the index method our ChirpController class to pass Chirps from every user to our Index page:
    class ChirpController extends Controller
         * Display a listing of the resource.
        public function index(): Response
            return Inertia::render('Chirps/Index', [
                'chirps' => Chirp::with('user:id,name')->latest()->get(),

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