How do you implement authentication in Laravel?

Laravel provides a complete authentication system out of the box, which makes it easy to implement authentication in Laravel applications. Here are the steps to implement authentication in Laravel:

Install Laravel’s authentication scaffolding:
The first step in implementing authentication in Laravel is to install the authentication scaffolding. This can be done using the following Artisan command:

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php artisan make:auth
This command will create the necessary views, controllers, and routes for authentication.

Create a user model:
The next step is to create a user model. This can be done using the following Artisan command:

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php artisan make:model User
This will create a new model file for the user.

Configure the database:
The user model will need to be associated with a database table. To configure the database, update the config/database.php file with the appropriate database connection information.

Migrate the database:
Once the database is configured, the user table can be created by running the following Artisan command:

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php artisan migrate
This will create the necessary table(s) in the database.

Add authentication routes:
Laravel provides several authentication routes out of the box, including login, logout, and registration. These routes can be added to the routes/web.php file using the following code:

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Protect routes:
Once the authentication routes have been added, certain routes can be protected so that only authenticated users can access them. This can be done using middleware. For example, the following code will protect the dashboard route so that only authenticated users can access it:

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Route::get(‘/dashboard’, function () {
// Only authenticated users may enter…
Use authentication in controllers:
Authentication can be used in controllers to restrict access to certain methods. This can be done using middleware. For example, the following code will restrict access to the create method of a PostController to only authenticated users:

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public function __construct()
With these steps, you should be able to implement authentication in Laravel and secure your application’s sensitive areas. Laravel’s built-in authentication system makes it easy to get started with authentication, but it can also be customized to fit your application’s specific needs.